Thanks for joining the Rio For Partiers Affiliate Program.


Tell your visitors about
Rio For Partiers
Travel Guide
and Make Extra Cash From Your Site!


1) Bookmark:

First off, book mark this page.

We have made everything as easy as possible for you. We know that your time is money, so we built a little "Affiliate Wizard". It will walk you through choosing the best ad media for your type of site, so that you can generate the most sales.

Before we start, we want to remind you that to run a successfull affiliate campaign, two things must always be remembered:


1) The customer won't click if he isn't pre-sold.
(it is not effective if you only say "click here to get info on Rio". A strong personal recommendation of RFP is much more convincing.)


2) The link can't be lost in a sea of links.
It needs to stand out.


2) Affiliate Wizard:

With that in mind, let's get started with the Rio For Partiers Affiliate Wizard

Click here to get free content and promotional material for your site


3) Link to Use:

Copy and paste the link in this field and change the XX to your Affiliate ID number and YY to the Banner ID number

To link to the main page choose this URL

To link to the free downloads page, choose this URL



4) Click here to Check Stats

View your recent sales referrals, stats or change your account info.